Thursday, December 1, 2011

Downton Abbey

I watched the first 3 Downton Abbeys ages ago. Today I started with the 4th episode. These are my remarks.... starting with 3/4 through episode 6.

Cybelle! You are being such a Marianne!
OH NOOOOOO! Mary! you're such a fool!
I effing love Maggie Smith...

Moving onto the next episode... 7!

why is OBrien a cow? MOO! moo moo MOO!
Damn you Edith. You're a cow, too! MOOOOOOO!
gah! World War I is starting and its going to be horrid!
I cannot use my own library because one of my housemaids is in there applying for another job? *ay carumba!*
stop being stupid OBrien! And stop eavesdropping.
NOOOOOOOO oh no no no no no no.
thomas you bastard.
Why hasn't thomas been dismissed outright?
and awwww Irish boy is keen on Lady Cybelle... kinda thought the Cybelle Mathew thing might develop.
MARY you bitch.
Poor middle sister. You thought you were to be married, but your sister ruined it. To get back at you for being a horrid person!
.....aaaaaand O'Brien you now realize how stupid you've been. You killed a baby cause you eavesdropped.
awwww no Mathew! I liked you! Stupid Mary.
and. its. war.

and thats it for the season. GAH!

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